Saturday, 5 January 2013

My previous projects

I posted yesterday to say that I was going to take some pictures of my previous projects.  I realised that I didn't actually have as many in the house as I thought that I did, as many I have given to friends as presents.  This is what I do have, and apologies for the quality of some of the photos as I find it hard to photograph glass without a bit of reflection.

First the cross stitch.  There is a bit of a Tigger theme going on here.  The framed cross-stitches I also did the stretching myself (the next post will be on this, probably next weekend when I hopefully have time to do it).

Next is a bit of tatting that I did quite a few years ago and mounted on a wide ribbon to use as a bookmark.  I do have another which was longer and mounted on red ribbon which I now can't find - it is probably in a book somewhere which I started and didn't finish.  I never really got past novice status at this.  Tatting is a form of lace making when you pass a shuttle of thread around a thread held taught over your other hand to form the lace.  I sometimes get problems with my wrists, so I don't tend to do this any more as I started to find it painful to hold my static hand in the same fixed position for a period of time.

Lastly the glass painting, which again I'm a novice at and haven't done anything too complex.  The first is a pair of wine glasses with a simple celtic knot design on them.

The last example of glass painting is on acetate.  I made my own invitations to our wedding with a simple, stylised bit of painting on acetate which I stuck into aperture cards.  I thought that I had kept one for ourselves, but I've not been able to find it.  However, I did remember that we were given a photo album as a wedding present which had an inset on the front cover, and I did a mini version of the same design to put into the inset.  This is the design below - it needed to be something simple because I needed to make about 75-100 cards.  The rose design for the invitations was done freehand, whereas for the glasses above I had a drawing of the design which I stuck inside the glass to trace around with lead lining.

And that's your lot.  I'll write on this blog about future projects, and if I find any other past projects I will also put pictures of those on here....


  1. I love Tigger and your post has had me hunting through my stitchy stuff looking for tigger themed charts/kits. Sadly my organisation system leaves a lot to be desired and I haven't been able to find what I was looking for....

    Do I remember you stitching a Tigger kit called Tigger's new friend (I think thats what it is called) - Tigger with a caterpillar on his tail?

    1. I've just checked, and I do have the kit with Tigger and a caterpillar but I haven't done it yet....

    2. I've just found your wedding invite....

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