Friday, 4 January 2013

My blog mission statement

Hello all.

You might know that I have another blog called "Stuff and Nonsense" which is largely about books.

I've been feeling a bit stale about blogging recently.  I feel like my blog posts have started to become a bit samey and I've felt in a bit of a rut.

However, I posted today about a couple of cross stitch projects - my main craft that I enjoy - as a side line (I'll repeat that post on this blog for others who might come to it fresh).  This made me think that perhaps it might give me a bit of a kick up the blog if I also start something new.

This is it.

I like making things, and occasionally I'll try something new.  For Christmas I tried making some beauty stuff for friends, which was a first for me (bath bombs, a soap, a lip balm and a scrub).  I also tried making some cleanser and a moisturiser for myself, which was slightly less successful.  I made invitations for our wedding by using glass paints on acetate to make an insert for cards.  I used to do tatting a bit, but I find that I can't do that much anymore because assuming the position (steady there) makes my hand hurt.  I have a quilling set from a friend that I have yet to try.

This isn't going to be a how-to, and on occasions it might even read almost more like a how-not-to.  It will be about things that I have tried, things I enjoy and things that might be a pain in the arse to do (post about stretching a piece of cross stitch ready for framing to come).  It will be about how I have done things, and if anyone thinks that they have a better and easier way to do something then I will be very happy to hear about it.

In the next post I will repeat the post from my other blog that started this off.  In this you can see the piece of cross stitch that I have recently finished which will be the object of an upcoming post about how I stretch a piece of fabric ready from framing and how much doing it makes me swear.

I'll try and post again tomorrow, which will be largely photos to show what I have made before that I happen to have in our house - the most notable exception will be one of the larger pieces that I have done before (a blackwork dressing table runner, stitched in white and gold on dark blue material) as this is in my parents' house.  This will in effect by my crafting resume so that you can judge my credentials to blog on crafty stuff....

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